Useful Websites for academic writing

This is an archive on the websites useful in writing reports.


Using word
  1. Install Latex-type fonts: Download cmr font package
  2. Enable styles to generate content lists: Styles
  3. Download tex-style equation editor: AxMath editor
  4. Download refernce management systems: Endnote Software
  5. Enable grammar checking: Grammarly
Using Latex
  1. Online Latex editor: Overleaf


  1. Version management system: Github
    Useful if you are trying to keep milestones or collaborate. (Maybe just Google Docs?)
  2. Find the orthodox expressions: (Highly Recommend!) Netspeak
  3. Find synonyms: thesaurus
  4. Foreign language translation: G Translate
Other websites
  1. Contemporary American English: Corpus
  2. Higher-level grammar checking: (Recommend!) Hemingway
  3. Word context visualization: Visuwords
  4. Word Pronunciation: Forvo
  5. And finally some relax ^_^ Netflix